Latest News from SIDE

17 July 2023

Southern Dairy Hub (SDH) June Field Day 2023 - Kale verses Fodder Beat, Southland

This Field Day was offered as an optional, post SIDE in Invercargill

Southern Dairy Hub (SDH) June Field Day 2023 - Kale verses Fodder Beat, Southland

Southern Dairy Hub - the Field Day notes now available.

Report from the SDH team - It was great to see so many people at our Winter field day. The event doubled as a field trip for the SIDE Conference so we also welcomed attendees from outside the region. While the weather didn't allow a walk to the crop paddocks, a few hardy souls did brave the elements for a walk to the cowshed for a look around.

For those who missed the event the handout is now available by clicking here. 

Photo Credit: Southern Dairy Hub

